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Why do health professionals recommend pregnancy pillows?

Avoid sleeping on your back:

The most common reason is to avoid sleeping on your back. Depending on who you speak to it is encouraged to avoid sleeping on your back from week 16-28. The latest research tells us 28 weeks of gestation is the ideal time. This is because it is a recognised and modifiable way to reduce the risk of still birth. For mothers who lie on their back after this point there is a risk that the blood flow to the placenta is compressed and restricted. The safest position to sleep or rest is lying on the side. Using a pregnancy pillow behind the back will help to prevent accidentally rolling onto your back during your sleep as what you do in sleep is not something you can control!

Reduce pain:

The next most common reason to use a pregnancy pillow is to reduce pain through the night. A common pregnancy symptom is low back, abdominal, hip and pelvic pain. Trialling a pregnancy pillow between your legs, under the belly or behind that back is a simple and effective way to reduce pain. As a physiotherapist I have especially noticed using a pillow helps with bilateral (both sided) deep hip pain. Some women experience this pain that feels like it’s in their bones, it worsens when they lie on their side for longer than 30 minutes and causes them to toss and turn all night. Using a pregnancy pillow either behind the back or in front of the belly allows them to offload their hips by completing a 1/4 turn forwards or back.

Other reasons in pregnancy:

  • Putting under your legs to elevate and reduce swelling

  • Prop your head up higher at night to reduce indigestion and heart burn

  • Improve sleep

Feeding pillow:

These pillows can then be amazing to transform into a feeding pillow for either breast or bottle feeding. The most common complaint postnatal would be neck, middle back and shoulder tension from feeding. These pillows can be used to prop the baby up so when you are feeding you only need to guide them onto the breast/ bottle and the pillow can hold the weight of the baby. It can also be tucked behind your back during the night feeds to improve posture. A small bonus is they may also be used when the baby is starting tummy time or needing something to prop their head up.

Favourite pillows from a physiotherapist:

  1. The top pillow I have found works best for my clients is the Sleepybelly Pregnancy pillow. With it’s 3 piece adjustable pillow it allows for the most varied use and can be customised for each individual making it versatile. What makes Sleepybelly different is the material they use in their pillows. They have opted for a shredded latex which is naturally hypoallergenic, is denser and heavier allowing you to feel the quality supporting your back and tummy, has great airflow for temperature regulation allowing your body to cool itself as you sleep. Other materials can be laced with chemicals that overtime can leach out of the product and into their air that you breath. Latex is a naturally occurring material that is low tox and great for the environment.

  2. Butterfly Maternity pillow has won many of awards and is a different shape that may suit mothers more than other pillows.

  3. Adairs nursing pillow has been recommended by clients as an amazing feeding pillow that could also be used between the legs.

  4. Wedge shaped pillows are great if your looking for support for the tummy and back.

  5. Standard pillows x2-3 can also be used if you don’t want to be fancy!

You can purchase the Sleepbelly pregnancy pillow here